Glamping Domes for every landscape and weather conditions!

Technical Specifications
With Cape Dome modular fasteners, you have unlimited application options. Thanks to its flexible structure, you can use it in many different areas such as residential gardens, workplaces, hotels, cafes and beaches. Fast installation is provided with ease of assembly. With our installation diagram video, users can easily apply pergola designs in the way they want. You can also contact us for assembly support.
Socket Dimensions

Black Profile Strut T Socket
50x100x3 ve 100x100x3

Black Profile Center Register T Socket
50x100x3 ve 100x100x3

Black Profile Center Register T Socket
50x100x3 ve 100x100x3

Black Profile Foot Socket

Black Profile Flag Socket

Black Profile Corner Socket
Installation Video
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.